Mutations Overview

1. Base-Pair Substitutions

1.1. Silent Mutation

Shows an example of a silent base-pair substitution mutation

Part of figure 17.22, page 313, Campbell's Biology, 5th Edition

1.2. Missense Mutation

Shows an example of a missense base-pair substitution mutation

Part of figure 17.22, page 313, Campbell's Biology, 5th Edition

Shows how a missense mutation causes sickle cell anemia. Shows the difference between normal red blood cells and sickled red blood cells, as well as between each corresponding type of hemoglobin. Shows the many pleiotropic effects stemming from sickle cell anemia.

Figures 17.21, 5.19, and 14.5, pages 72, 312, and 254, Campbell's Biology, 5th Edition

1.3. Nonsense Mutation

Shows an example of a nonsense base-pair substitution mutation

Part of figure 17.22, page 313, Campbell's Biology, 5th Edition

2. Base-Pair Insertions or Deletions (Frameshift Mutations)

Causing Extensive Missense

Shows an example of an extensive missense frameshift mutation

Part of figure 17.22, page 313, Campbell's Biology, 5th Edition

Causing Immediate Nonsense

Shows an example of an immediate nonsense frameshift mutation

Part of figure 17.22, page 313, Campbell's Biology, 5th Edition

Insertion or Deletion of Three Nucleotides

Shows an example of an immediate nonsense frameshift mutation

Part of figure 17.22, page 313, Campbell's Biology, 5th Edition

What Causes Mutations?