Mendel's Two Laws and the Chromosomal Theory of Inheritance

Law of Segregation

Shows Mendel's results in the flower cross and how they approximate the ideal 3:1 ratio.

Figure 14.2, page 241, Campbell's Biology, 5th Edition

The Law of Segregation Illustrates What Chromosomes Do in Meiosis

Shows segregation of homologous chromosomes in meiosis, and how this corresponds to separation of genotypes.

Unknown source

Law of Independent Assortment

The Law of Independent Assortment Illustrates What Chromosomes Do in Meiosis

Shows independent assortment of homologous chromosomes in meiosis, and how this corresponds to assortment of genotypes.

Unknown source

Chromosomal Theory of Inheritance

Reductionism: A Strategy that Works

All Models are Partial Truths

Mendel's Model

  1. Peas have two versions, or alleles, of each gene. This also turns out to be true for many other organisms.
  2. Alleles do not blend together. The hereditary determinants maintain their integrity from generation to generation. They do not blend together, and they do not acquire characteristics in response to actions by an individual (like a giraffe stretching its neck).
  3. Each gamete contains one allele of each gene. Pairs of alleles segregate during the formation of gametes.
  4. Males and females contribute equally to the genotype of their offspring. When gametes fuse, offspring acquire a total of two alleles for each gene—one from each parent.
  5. Some alleles are dominant to others. When a dominant and recessive allele for the same gene are found in the same individual, that individual exhibits the dominant phenotype.

Mendel's First Partial Truth: Complete Dominance

Incomplete Dominance

Shows incomplete dominance in snapdragon color, resulting in red, pink, and white offspring in the F_2 generation.

Figure 14.9, page 248, Campbell's Biology, 5th Edition


Shows the coating of substance A on the surface of a blood cell (schematically). Shows the coating of substance B on the surface of a blood cell (schematically). Shows the coating of substances A and B on the surface of a blood cell (schematically). Shows the noncoated surface of a blood cell (schematically).

Via Domenic Denicola's mad Photoshop skills.

Implications in Blood Transfusions

Three Different Alleles Account for Four Different Blood Types

Blood Type Genotype Carbohydrates on Cell Surface Antibodies Acceptable Blood Types
A IAIA or IAi Shows the coating of substance A on the surface of a blood cell (schematically). Anti-B A and O
B IBIB or IBi Shows the coating of substance B on the surface of a blood cell (schematically). Anti-A B and O
AB IAIB Shows the coating of substances A and B on the surface of a blood cell (schematically). None Any (universal recipient)
O ii Shows the noncoated surface of a blood cell (schematically). Anti-A and anti-B O (universal donor)

Summary of Dominance Relationships

Other Exceptions to Simple Mendelian Genetics


Shows how sickle-cell anemia can cause many effects, starting from a change in one gene.

Figure 14.15, page 254, Campbell's Biology, 5th Edition


Shows the interaction of the two epistalic genes in mice discussed above.

Figure 14.11, page 250, Campbell's Biology, 5th Edition