Quiz #3 Hints

1. Be able to explain the principle of superposition.

2. Be able to add 2 waves together to show how wave interference creates a new wave.

3. Be able to explain Huygen's Principle.

4. Be able to explain diffraction and how Huygen's Principle explains diffraction. Which waves bend more, long wavelength or shorter wavelength? Which waves bend more AM radio or FM radio waves? If you are at a concert, which frequencies bend more (i.e. you can hear them outside the main venue, or if you bend down to pick something up that you dropped on the ground?

5. Be able to discribe what refraction is and why it happens. Give an example.

6. Know the electromagnetic spectrum. Which frequencies are low, which are high? Which are long wavelength, which are short wavelength? What is the speed of these waves, in a vacuum?

7. Be able to do calculations of frequencies and wavelengths of different electromagnetic waves.

8. Be able to explain the Doppler Shift.