Energy and Reaction Rate

A depiction of an exergonic reaction, which releases free energy.

Campbell's Biology, 5th Edition Study Partner CD, Activity 6.1

The Problem

A depiction of an exergonic reaction with the activation energy problem added.

Campbell's Biology, 5th Edition Study Partner CD, Activity 6.1

The Solution

A depiction of an exergonic reaction with the activation energy problem solved by an enzyme.

Figure 6.10, page 92, Campbell's Biology, 5th Edition

How Do Enzymes Work?

Lock and Key Model

A drawing of our first model of enzyme functioning, the lock and key model.

Via Mr. Hammack's mad drawing skills

Induced Fit Hypothesis

A drawing of our new model of enzyme functioning, the induced fit model.

Via Mr. Hammack's mad drawing skills

An Enzyme in Action

A computer-generated model of an enzyme at work.

Figure 6.11, page 92, Campbell's Biology, 5th Edition

Importance of Enzymes

Why Your Parents Told You To Eat Your Vitamins and Minerals!

A model of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (an enzyme) along with its coenzyme, NAD.

Unknown source

A Few Examples of Nonprotein Molecular “Partners” of Enzymes

Type of Molecule Molecule Name Role in Catalyzed Reactions
Cofactors Iron (Fe2+ or Fe3+) Oxidation/reduction
Copper (Cu+ or Cu2+) Oxidation/reduction
Zinc (Zn2+) Helps bind NAD
Coenzymes Biotin Carries —COO-
Coenzyme A Carries —CH2—CH3
NAD Carries electrons
FAD Carries electrons
Prosthetic groups Heme Binds ions, O2, and electrons; contains iron cofactor
Flavin Binds electrons
Retinal Converts light energy

Enzymes Can Be Inhibited

1. Competitive Inhibition

A depiction of competetive inhibition.

Figure 6.18(a), Purves's Life: The Science of Biology, 7th Edition

2. Noncompetitive Inhibition

A depiction of noncompetetive inhibition.

Figure 6.18(b), Purves's Life: The Science of Biology, 7th Edition

3. Irreversible Inhibition

A depiction of irreversible inhibition.

Modified figure 6.18(a), Purves's Life: The Science of Biology, 7th Edition

Controlling Metabolism

Allosteric Enzymes: a Closer Look

Shows how active and inactive forms of allosteric enzymes work.

Figure 6.15, page 96, Campbell's Biology, 5th Edition

Control of Enzyme Activity

Shows how certain enzymes are constrained by their environmental factors.

Figure 6.13, page 94, Campbell's Biology, 5th Edition

Regulation of Enzyme Activity through Feedback Inhibition

Depicts the process of feedback inhibition.

Figure 6.16, page 96, Campbell's Biology, 5th Edition