Polymer Chemistry: The Basics

How to make a polymer

A pictoral depiction of a dehydration reaction, forming a longer polymer from a monomer and a shorter polymer, and creating water.

Figure 5.2(a), page 59, Campbell's Biology, 5th Edition

Functions of Carbohydrates

Naming Carbohydrates

The Monosaccharide: the Basic Functional Unit

The chemical structures of triose, pentose, and hexose sugars, respectively glyceraldehyde, ribose, and glucose.

Figure 5.3, page 60, Campbell's Biology, 5th Edition

Aldehyde Sugars (Aldoses)

The chemical structure of glucose, an aldose (or aldehyde sugar).

Part of figure 3.13, Purves's Life: The Science of Biology, 7th Edition

Ketone Sugars (Ketoses)

The chemical structure of fructose, a ketose (or ketone sugar).

Figure 5.3, page 60, Campbell's Biology, 5th Edition

Classification of Monosaccharides

Compares and contrasts triose, pentose, and hexose sugars in aldose and ketose forms.

Figure 5.3, page 60, Campbell's Biology, 5th Edition

Linear or Ring Form?

Shows the formation of glucose's ring form from its linear form, in a chemical diagram, as well as its abbreviated structure.

Figure 5.4, page 61, Campbell's Biology, 5th Edition

Famous Five-Carbon Sugars

The structural formula of ribose, in linear form. Ribose and deoxyribose in ring form.

Figure 5.3, page 60, Campbell's Biology, 5th Edition; Part of figure 3.13, Purves's Life: The Science of Biology, 7th Edition

Creation of Dissacharides


α versus β Configurations

Shows the difference between α and β configurations in glucose.

Figure 5.7(a), page 63, Campbell's Biology, 5th Edition

Structural Polysaccharide: Cellulose

Shows the chemical structure of a cellulose, an unbranched, linear polymer of glucose. Shows multiple cellulose polymers in aggregate, lined up via hydrogen bonds.

Parts of figure 3.16, Purves's Life: The Science of Biology, 7th Edition

Storage Polysaccharides

Shows the chemical structure of a starch/glycogen (they are the same at this level), two storage polysaccharides.

Part of figure 3.16, Purves's Life: The Science of Biology, 7th Edition

Cool Other Carbohydrates

Shows several other cool carbohydrates: sugar phosphate, amino sugars, and chitin.

Figure 3.17, Purves's Life: The Science of Biology, 7th Edition

Glucosamine: Further Information

How Sweet It Is

Sweetener Relative Sweetness
Aspartame (an artificial sweetener, brand name Nutrasweet—not a carbohydrate) 200
Fructose (monosaccharide, “fruit sugar”) 1.3
Sucrose (disaccharide, “table sugar”) 1.0
Glucose (monosaccharide, “blood sugar”) 0.56
Galactose (monosaccharide) 0.50
Lactose (disaccharide, “milk sugar”) 0.25

Glycemic Index