The Stark Reality: Embryos Need Water

Development in Birds

Shows the development process in birds, focusing on how gastrulation and cleavage occur only in a small region on top of the yolk.

Unknown source

Extraembryonic Membranes in Birds

Shows the extraembryonic membranes for a bird.

Figure 47.14, page 948, Campbell's Biology, 5th Edition

Extraembryonic Membranes in Reptiles and Mammals

Shows the correspondences between reptile and mammal embryonic membranes.
Reptilian Embryo Mammalian Embryo
Membrane Structure Function Structure Function
Chorion Membrane lining inside shell Acts as respiratory surface; regulates exchange of gases and water between embryo and air Fetal contribution to placenta Provides surface for exchange of gases, nutrients, and wastes between embryo and mother
Amnion Sac surrounding embryo Encloses embryo in fluid Sac surrounding embryo Encloses embryo in fluid
Allantois Sac connected to embryonic urinary tract; capillary-rich membrane lining inside of chorion, with blood vessels connecting to embryonic circulation Stores wastes (especially urine); acts as respiratory surface Provides blood vessels of umbilical chord Carries blood between embryo and placenta
Yolk sac Membrane surrounding yolk Contains yolk as food; digests yolk and transfers nutrients to embryo; forms part of digestive tract “Empty” membranous sac Forms part of digestive tract

Human Development

Shows the development of the human blastocyst from the 8-cell stage to the 32-cell stage. Shows where the development of the blastocyst fits in between ovulation and implantation in the uterine wall. Zooms in on a human embryo nine days after conception.

Unknown figure, Purves's Life: The Science of Biology, 7th Edition; unknown source; figure 20.14, Purves's Life: The Science of Biology, 7th Edition


Female Birth Control Pills

A review of the hormonal feedback processes involved in human females.

Figure 43.14, Purves's Life: The Science of Biology, 7th Edition

Male Birth Control Pills

A review of the hormonal feedback processes involved in human males.

Figure 46.14, page 925, Campbell's Biology, 5th Edition

Reproductive Cloning of Mammals

Shows the process used to clone a Dorset sheep.

Figure 19.4, Purves's Life: The Science of Biology, 7th Edition

Therapeutic Cloning of Mammals

Shows the process used to culture embryonic stem cells and then cause them to differentiate into specific tissue cells.

Figure 19.6, Purves's Life: The Science of Biology, 7th Edition