Communication: The Key to Life

Two Communication Systems in Animals: Endocrine and Nervous

Demonstrates how nerve cells pass signals between each other across synapses using neurotransmitters. Demonstrates how hormones are emitted from endocrine cells, travel throughout the bloodstream, and end up at the target cell.

Figures 11.3(b) and part of 11.3(a), page 190, Campbell's Biology, 5th Edition

The Endocrine System's Chemical Messengers: Hormones

The endocrine system employs three families of hormones.

Shows the three families of hormones and how they interact with the target cell.

Unknown source

Endocrine System Overview

Shows the location of many different human endocrine glands.

Figure 45.6, page 898, Campbell's Biology, 5th Edition

The “Master Gland”

Demonstrates how the hypothalmus directs the pituitary, which in turn influences many other glands.

Via Domenic Denicola's mad Visio skills

Posterior Lobe

Shows the posterior pituitary, including its structure and what hormones it uses to affect what target cells.

Figure 45.7(a), page 901, Campbell's Biology, 5th Edition

Anterior Lobe

Neurosecretory cells in the hypothalamus release hormones that travel through a portal system to the anterior lobe of the pituitary, where they either inhibit or encourage the release of a wide range of hormones from the pituitary.

Shows the anterior pituitary, including its structure and what hormones it uses to affect what target cells.

Figure 45.7(b), page 901, Campbell's Biology, 5th Edition

Four Tropic Hormones

A tropic hormone has another endocrine gland as a target. Therefore, for each tropic hormone, ask which endocrine gland it affects.

Four Nontropic Hormones