The Mammalian Kidney

Gives several levels of magnification of the kidney, eventually zooming in on the nephron.

Figure 44.18, page 883, Campbell's Biology, 5th Edition

Circulatory System Meets Excretory System

The Long and Winding Road: the Filtrate's Journey to Becoming Urine

Overview: a Four Step Process

  1. Filtration: movement of material from circulatory system to excretory system
  2. Reabsorption: active and passive transport from the filtrate back into the blood
  3. Secretion: active and passive transport from blood into the filtrate
  4. Excretion: final elimination of waste filtrate which is now officially called urine
Shows the four different steps in the filtrate's journey to becoming urine. Shows which substances are actively and passively transported in and out of the excretory system, and where, during the entire process.

Figures 44.14 and 44.19, page 879 and 884, Campbell's Biology, 5th Edition

The Proximal Convoluted Tubule

Descending Limb of the Loop of Henle

Ascending Limb of the Loop of Henle

Collecting Duct

Shows the different concentrations of interstitial fluid along the excretory system, and the resulting movement of water and sodium chloride via passive transport that occurs.

Figure 44.20, page 886, Campbell's Biology, 5th Edition

Antidiuretic Hormone (ADH)

Shows how ADH is released from the posterior pituitary. Demonstrates the feedback mechanisms involved in maintaining homeostasis with regards to blood osmolarity.

Figures 45.7(a) and 44.21(a), pages 901 and 888, Campbell's Biology, 5th Edition