Basic Characteristics of Plants

Plant Life Cycle: Alternations of Generations

All Plants exhibit a two generation life cycle.

A schematic diagram of alternation of generations in plants.

Figure 29.2, page 548, Campbell's Biology, 5th Edition

Alternation of Generations: A Special Case of the Haploid-Diploid Cycle

Which “Generation” is Bigger?

It Depends…

Different types of plants have different sizes for each generation, as shown here.

Figure 30.1, page 562, Campbell's Biology, 5th Edition

Evolution and Alternation of Generations

Shows the evolutionary sequence out of which alternation of generations arises.

Figure 29.3, page 549, Campbell's Biology, 5th Edition

Highlights in Plant Evolution: A Drama in Four Stages

Stage 1: From Water to Land

Stage 2: Vascular Plants Appear

Stage 3: Seeds Appear

Stage 4: Flowering Plants Appear