The Human Karyotype

A picture of a male human karyotype, with numbered chromosomes.

Unknown source

Gene Linkage

Shows the law of independent assortment in action, noting that this only works because they are on different chromosomes.

Unknown source



If you have two sets of traits (like body color and wing length in Drosophila) and you are doing a test cross (homozygous recessive) with an individual that is heterozygous for both traits, there are two expected outcomes:

Crossing Over

Strange Ratios

Shows T. H. Morgan's data for fly crosses, exhibiting the strange results of crossing over.

Figure 15.4, page 265, Campbell's Biology, 5th Edition

The Explanation: Crossing Over Occurs

Gives a chromosomal view of crossing over, and how it leads to recombination of alleles.

Figure 15.5, page 266, Campbell's Biology, 5th Edition

Chromosome Mapping

Shows an abstract chromosome mapping of distance between alleles from recombination frequencies. Shows a real chromosome mapping for Drosophila with various alleles.

Figure 15.6 and 15.7, page 267, Campbell's Biology, 5th Edition

Sex-Linked Traits