Chapter 10 Test Hints

There will NOT be a free response question on this test. You will have a 50 point multiple choice exam. It will be very challenging so read these hints and follow their advice very closely (hint, hint).

As always, know my lectures really well.

I highly recommend reading the Cliffs Note Book. I like some of my illustrations better but the text is good. The quiz is awesome. Take it to see how much you know. Read the answers in detail.

These additional hints will give you ideas about emphasis of certain topics.

Know the summary of photosynthesis well (figure 10.19). Know the basic equation.

Know the anatomy of the chloroplast. Know where the light reaction occurs. Know where the dark reaction occurs. Know why chlorophyll is named P700 or P680.

Know why the chloroplasts have a thylakoid. What is the purpose of the space inside the thylakoid, e.g. what builds up inside the thylakoid (called the thylakoid space) and why does it build up?

Know what chemiosmosis is and how a proton gradient is established. Know where this occurs in the cell (see figure 10.15). Compare this with how it works in cellular respiration (see figure 10.14). By the way, have I already mentioned this same material in a stealth form earlier in these hints??

Know what is unique about cyclic electron flow (figure 10.13)

Know what molecules are produced as a result of non-cyclic electron flow (non-cyclic photophosphorylation).

Remember that the most famous enzyme is rubisco. Know its other name- ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase. Know that the enzyme used in C4 plants has a greater affinity for CO2 than ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase, it is called PEP carboxylase.

It is critical you understand C4 and CAM Plants. There are a number of questions on this topic. Know why C4 and CAM plants exist, e.g. why aren’t all plants just the average C3 plant? Know the different strategies for dealing with the C3 problem. Know about mesophyll cells, bundle sheath cells in C4 plants and know the reactions in C4 plants and why they occur (figure 10.17). Figure 10.18 is a good summary of the differences between C4 and CAM plants. The Cliffs Note book is very good on this too.

It is critical you understand photorespiration. What is it? How does it work? How have plants evolved to minimize it? Know about the battle of the enzymes: ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase (rubisco) versus PEP carboxylase.

Good luck.