Chapter 6 Quiz #2 Hints

1. What is the name of the barrier that prevents exergonic reactions from occurring easily?

2. Dealing with barriers
a. How do chemists in a lab deal with the problem in #1?
b. How do living systems deal with the problem and why don’t they do what chemists do?

3. What is the general term for the molecules that are biological catalysts? What kind of macromolecule are they?

4. What was the original model that explained how enzymes work? Explain using the words: active site, substrate, reactant, product.

5. What is the new and improved model that explains how enzymes work? How does it differ from the original model? Explain using the words: active site, substrate, reactant, product.

6. What was Mr. Hammack’s analogy for an enzyme? Make sure you give the complete analogy (both parts) and explain how it relates.

7. What is the role of temperature and pH in enzyme activity?

8. How do minerals and vitamins help enzymes work? What is the fancy name for minerals? What is the fancy name for vitamins?

9. Be able to fully describe the three kinds of inhibition. Be able to use all the terms and draw a picture if asked.

10. Be able to explain how metabolism is controlled using allosteric enzymes and feedback inhibition. (The College Board loves this stuff so know it well!!)