Chapter 6 Quiz #1 Hints

1. Do CDROM Activity 6.1 (Do only parts1-5, NOT 6-9)
•Take notes on the CD ROM. Include illustrations with explanations for full credit.

2. Read Book Chapter 6 (pages 83-90)
These pages can be rather “technical”. Do not worry about the term “free energy”(just think of it as energy). You do not need to know anything about “entropy”- just know the basics of energy and how chemicals react.

3. What is meant by catabolism? Give a very thorough definition. Include a brief description about how you can best remember what it is.

4. What is meant by anabolism? Give a very thorough definition. Include a brief description about how you can best remember what it is.

5. What is meant by metabolism? Give a very thorough definition. Include a brief description about how you can best remember what it is.

6. Why is catabolism in one step a bad thing for living systems?

7. Be able to give an example of catabolism and anabolism in the four groups of macromolecules:
•Nucleic Acids

8. What is “free energy”?

9. Describe the difference between an exergonic and endergonic reaction.

10. Hydrolysis.
a. What is meant by hydrolysis?
b. Why is the hydrolysis of ATP important?
c. Describe what happens in the hydrolysis of ATP.

11. Explain how an endergonic reaction, which normally requires energy, is able to proceed forward.