Chapter 53 Homework

1. Explain what community ecology is and how it differs from population ecology and ecosystem ecology.
2. Explain the four main types of interspecific interactions and be able to give examples of them (use your book for this). Define symbiosis.
3. Explain the difference between habitat and niche.
4. Explain the difference between the fundamental niche and realized niche. Explain, in detail, Joseph Connell's famous experiment that elucidated this niche distinction. Include an illustration.
5. Explain the competitive exclusion principle and explain how Gause's experiment is evidence for the existence of this principle.
6. Explain Robert MacArthur's famous observation that led to the idea of resource partitioning. Why does resource partitioning exist?
7. Explain the concept of character displacement and the evidence for it from research using the Galapagos Finches.
8. Explain how Robert Paine's experiment led to the idea of keystone species. What is the significance of keystone species?
9. Explain the concept of coevolution and give an example (pg. 1110).
10. Distinguish between cryptic coloration and aposomatic coloration. How are they different and what are their evolutionary/ecological significance (why do they exist) (pg. 1112-1113)?
11. Explain mimicry and how Batesian mimicry differs from Mullerian mimicry (pg. 1113).
12. Explain the principle of succession. What is it, in general? Explain the difference between primary succession and secondary succession. Make sure you include examples of each (pg. 1124).
13. Explain the Theory of Island Biogeography that was discovered by Robert MacArthur and E.O. Wilson. How can you use the theory to predict the number of species on an island (pg. 1127)?