Music: Michael Jackson
Lyrics:Jay Musen


You're hypothyroid and your gland's out of whack

You'll need some TSH to get you back on track

Your pituitary's really gotta pick up the slack (and)

Secrete it! Secrete it!


You're feeling cold and you can't stay awake

You really need to up your cells' O2 intake

You'll need lots of T4, which your thyroid can make

Secrete it! 'Cause you gotta wake up


Secrete it! ('Crete it!) Secrete it! ('Crete it!)

Do it till your glands deplete it

Numerous trophic hormones abound

Causing endocrine glands all around (to)

Secrete it! ('Crete it!)

Secrete it! ('Crete it!)

Secrete it! ('Crete it!)

Secrete it! ('Crete it!)


It's been a day and you've not had a bite

Your blood glucose is dropping; there's no end in sight

You'll need your liver's glucagon to set things aright

Secrete it! Secrete it!


Your Ca2+ level's gone on the fritz

Your parathyroids don't know when to call it quits

You're in need of calcitonin, which your thyroid emits

Secrete it, or your bones will all warp


Secrete it! ('Crete it!) Secrete it! ('Crete it!)

Do it till your glands deplete it

Numerous trophic hormones abound

Causing endocrine glands all around (to)


Secrete it! ('Crete it!) Secrete it! ('Crete it!)

Do it till your glands deplete it

Numerous trophic hormones abound

Causing endocrine glands all around (to)

Secrete it