Chapters 45 & 48
Free Response Questions

Please note: On each of these questions you are asked to include an illustration. A full prose text must accompany the illustration for full credit. Also, I will not accept an illustration which is copy and pasted from my lecture, the internet, and/or scanned. In other words, I want you to create these illustrations in your own handwriting. They do not have to be beautiful, they can be very diagrammatic, but they must be labeled and must help illustrate the concepts in a visual way so you don't need to look at the written text to see what ideas they are conveying. I really believe that creating illustrations can help your learning of these concepts. I hope you understand this and see the value in this exercise.

1. In this problem be sure to illustrate these processes with a picture. Follow the picture with a well explained answer. Discuss the sources and actions of the following pair of hormones in humans and describe the feedback mechanisms that control their release.
a. Parathyroid Hormone and calcitonin (see figure 45.1 and 45.10 and accompanying text)
b. Insulin and glucagon (see figure 45.11 and accompanying text)
(I know this will be hard but please try to think about what is happening as you do this problem- don’t just copy it down- try to think about how the process works and why it works the way it does.)

2. Compare and contrast how the two different types of hormones communicate with their target cells. Include an illustration.
a. Non-steroid Hormones (Peptide Hormones)
•See CD ROM 45.1 and the book, pages 896-897, figure 45.3
b. Steroid Hormones
•See CD ROM 45.2 and the book pages 897-898, figure 45.5

3. Trace the propagation of a nerve impulse down a neuron. Be sure to discuss the following concepts in enough detail to follow the process. The CD ROM Activity 48.2 is outstanding and may be your best source of general information for this question.
a. Describe and illustrate how a membrane potential (resting potential) is established and maintained in the neuron (see figure 48.5 and accompanying text)
b. Describe and illustrate how an action potential occurs (see figure 48.6, 48.7 and accompanying text)
c. Describe and illustrate how an action potential propagates down a neuron (see figures 48.8 & 48.9 and accompanying text)