Biodiversity Quiz #1 Hints

This should give you a basic guide. There will probably be questions on the quiz that are not mentioned here but if you know this material you should be in good shape.

General Hint: Know the lectures and their details.

From Lectures 1 & 2

Dates are important.

Know the four categories of organic molecules.

Know the Miller-Urey Experiment really well.

Know what abiotic synthesis is.

Be able to define what a protobiont and a coacervate are.

Give three reasons why RNA was probably the first nucleic acid.

Know who Linnaeus is and what he did.

Know who Whittaker is and what his 5 kingdoms are.

Be able to explain how Carl Woese’s 3 domains relate to Whittaker’s five kingdoms.

Understand why we need to classify things in the first place.