Lipid Quiz Hints

1. What is the one thing that unifies all lipids?

2. Name the three functions of lipids.

3. A fat, also known as a triglyceride, is made of two molecules.
a. What are they?

b. What is the name of this reaction? Why does it have this name?

c. Be able to recognize a triglyceride.

4. What is the difference between a saturated and unsaturated fatty acid? Which one is liquid at room temperature? Why?

5. How is a phospholipid different from a triglyceride? What is unique about a phospholipid?

6. Draw a simplified version of a phospholipid. Describe the two parts.

7. Draw a picture of a phospholipid bilayer. Explain how it forms. Where is it found in living things?

8. Steroid hormones are based on a famous lipid- cholesterol. Draw the basic four ring structure that is found in cholesterol and the sex hormones. Don’t worry about the things coming off the ring.