Carbohydrate Quiz Hints

1. Know the reaction required to make a polymer. Be able to draw it. Know its two different names. Know why it has these names.

2. Be able to tell the difference between a monosaccharide, disaccharide, and a polysaccharide.

3. Know the suffix of many monosaccharides and disaccharides.

4. Realize you cannot tell if a carbohydrate is a monosaccharide or a disaccharide from the name. You have to simply memorize them.
Know whether the following are monosaccharides or disaccharides and how many carbons the monosaccharides have. If they are disaccharides, know what two monosaccharides they are made from.
glucose, fructose, ribose, deoxyribose, sucrose, lactose, maltose

5. Know what the basic formula is for a carbohydrate. Understand why a carbohydrate is called a carbohydrate.

6. Be able to describe the main differences between glucose and fructose.

7. Know what structural form most sugars take in living systems (linear or ringed). Why do they take this structure?

8. When glucose forms a ringed structure which carbons form the ring? Is there a loss of any atoms? If so which atoms? If not, how are the atoms rearranged in the glucose?

9. What is the difference between ribose and deoxyribose sugar?

10. What is the difference between alpha and beta linkage? Which polysaccharides use alpha linkage? Which use beta linkage?

11. What is unusual about beta linkage?

12. What is cellulose used for? Where is it found?

13. What is starch used for? Where is it found?

14. What is glycogen used for? Where is it found?

15. What is the name of the sugar polymer (polysaccharide ) that is found in the exoskeletons of insects?