Humans Beat Computers at Protein Folding Competition

Foldit, as the wiki page says, "is an online puzzle video game about protein folding." By making a game out of protein folding and then crowdsourcing the problem of solving specific 3-D structures of proteins it was discovered that humans are better than computers at solving these structures. The results are ou standing, as the Foldit wiki page reports:

"In 2011, players of Foldit helped to decipher the crystal structure of the Mason-Pfizer monkey virus (M-PMV) retroviral protease, an AIDS-causing monkey virus. While the puzzle was available to play for a period of three weeks, players produced an accurate 3D model of the enzyme in just ten days. The problem of how to configure the structure of the enzyme had stumped scientists for 15 years."

If you want to know more about this and possible play the online puzzle video game click on these links below.

Foldit Wiki page (Basic information)

Official Foldi wiki (great background information)

Foldit project homepage

Published article about the M-PMV virus protein puzzle solution where humans beat computers (very technical)