Male Reproductive System Quiz Hints

Know spermatogenesis very well. Be able to identify all the stages (mitosis, meiosis I, meiosis II, what is haploid, what is diploid), names of all cell types (know what is haploid and what is diploid), the name of all structures. Pay particular attention to the illustration in slide 6 of the powerpoint- it has everything on it. Hint, hint.

Know the basic anatomy of a sperm.

Know the basic similarities and differences between cilia and flagella.

Know the basic anatomy which includes the testes (seminiferous tubules and Leydig cells), epididymus scrotum,vas deferens, and the three accessory glands.
•Know the function of these different structures.

Be able to recognize and label all parts of the male hormonal feedback system. You need to know all parts (hint, hint) Understand how each thing interacts (hypothalamus, anterior pituitary, GnRH, FSH, LH, sperm production, testosterone production, male primary and secondary sex characteristics).