Animal Reproduction and Development Free Response Questions
Chapters 46 & 47

1. Describe the hormonal feedback system in the human male reproductive system.
i. Be able to explain the function of each hormone that is produced in each of the three areas (i.e. what do they do?):
a. Hypothalamus
b. Anterior Pituitary
c. Testes
ii. Be able to explain the homeostatic negative feedback system.

2. Describe the reproductive cycle in a human female that does not become pregnant.
a. Be able to trace the monthly rise and fall of LH and FSH (be able to explain why they rise and fall and what they influence)
b. Be able to trace the monthly rise and fall of estrogen and progesterone (be able to explain why they rise and fall and what they influence)
c. Describe the development of the egg in the ovary in the follicular phase, ovulation, and the resulting luteal phase (be able to explain why each event occurs in this particular sequence)
d. Describe the monthly building up and sloughing off of the uterine lining in relation to all that has been discussed above (be able to explain why it builds up and why it sloughs off).

3. Describe the process of fertilization in the sea urchin. Be sure to include the various changes that happen to the egg as the sperm enters the egg. Explain how other sperm are prevented from entering the egg.

4. Discuss the processes of cleavage, gastrulation, and neurulation in the frog embryo; tell what each process accomplishes. Describe an experiment that illustrates the importance of induction in development.