AP Biology Gang With Neil Shubin

Jewish Community Center
San Francisco
January 29, 2008

Paleontologist and professor of anatomy at the University of Chicago, Neil Shubin, gave a fascinating lecture entitled, "Your Inner Fish," based on his recently published book of the same name. He described his discovery of Tiktaalik, a transition fossil in the evolution of tetrapods linking fish with amphibians, discovered in 365 million year old rock in the Canadian arctic. He brought an epoxy cast of Tiktaalik which we were able to hold. His lecture style was engaging and the story of his discovery was very exciting. Pictured from left to right: Shannon Garner, Katie Judson, Jessica Osterhout, Megan Karpf, Mr. Hammack, and Neil Shubin.


Epoxy cast of Tiktaalik, note the two eyes on top of the head. Fish have eyes on the side of their heads.