AP Biology Gang and Francis Collins

Memorial Auditorium
Stanford University
February 5, 2008

No picture available.

Video of the lecture.

Current director of the National Human Genome Research Institute and former director of the Human Genome Project, Francis Collins, gave a fascinating lecture entitled, "God and the Genome," on the relationship of science and religion to a packed house of 1,700 Stanford students, faculty, and the general public. His lecture challenged the thinking of both non-religious scientists and religious conservatives. He fully supported the theory of evolution, with some remarkable examples (like chromosome 2 of the chimpanzee and human), but he also challenged the strict atheist viewpoint of people like Richard Dawkins by discussing what he called "pointers to faith" (like the existance of a Moral Law within all humans). The most entertaining moment of the night was the showing of his appearance on the Colbert Report where he and Stephen Colbert had a hilarious tete-a-tete. It was so crowded we had no opportunity to get a picture with Dr. Collins. Students who attended were Britt Karr, Elle San Juan, Brett LaBombarda, Andrew Schnell, Bobby Tchelepi, Alexandria D'souza, Ben Jolitz, Shannon Garner, Nadia Kadkhodayan, Kevin Meng, Sarah West, Malaura Mudwilder, Kirstie Williams.